Wednesday, January 30, 2008


On average the bullemic person throws up 3-4 times a day, sometimes after every meal or sometimes after a massive binge, throwing up everyday can cause serious health problems like stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, all the acid that passes through your throat and mouth can eventually start to erode your throat and teeth.

I don't know know about the rest of you but I hate being sick,the smell, the gagging, so I can never imagine putting my fingers down my throat to force my latest meal out of my mouth, something that is reality for so many people everyday, not just girls, the number of boys that are contracting eating disorders is growing.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Comfort toilet

We all know what comforts us, for me its my mum, for others it might be a childhood bear or your bed, sometimes even food.... for people with eating disorders its the toilet, a discreet and easy way of getting rid of all thoses unwanted meals....

Monday, January 28, 2008


This is a very close friend of mine, I've grown up with her and she has become like family over the years, I can't imagine life without her! She is alot of fun, and always laughing, but underlying that she has been dealing with anorexia for a few years now... she let me photograph her because as much as she may struggle with the disease, I know she wouldn't wish it on anyone else, she is reluctant to talk about it but is trying to put it behind her. She said it feels like being a different person, the obsession with food takes over, it makes her so self concious and she said she was always trying to find new ways of getting round eating, especially publically...sometimes she would have to just resort to throwing up. She said it could get so bad she would think about food and get physical sickness. Luckily she is moving pass this now but I think it will take time. The thing is, I didn't know untill recently, no one did, she was so good at hiding it, I have always envied how beautiful she is, so it was such a shock, I thought this may explain why I have become so passionate about this subject.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Behind the scenes

Today I went and watched the fashion,marketing and communication girls do their fashion shoots, just to see what kind of thing they were coming up with! It was so good to get involved and help one group out, there theme was masculine vs feminine, emphasiding the fact that clothes now are becoming unisex and the lines in fashion between the two are beginning to blur.

I took these photos of leah while she was getting ready. I didn't want to show the posed photos because I had to imput on those, i like the naturalness of these images and it helps that leah is so comfortable in front of a camera.

I absolutely loved it, i think it re-lit my fire (haha sorry die hard take that fan) I came out all reminded me why I'm here and where I am going. Just kept thinking, '' Can't wait untill it's me doing all of this''.I still over the weekend need to spent time researching and defining all my ideas, but I will keep you up to date.