On average the bullemic person throws up 3-4 times a day, sometimes after every meal or sometimes after a massive binge, throwing up everyday can cause serious health problems like stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, all the acid that passes through your throat and mouth can eventually start to erode your throat and teeth.
I don't know know about the rest of you but I hate being sick,the smell, the gagging, so I can never imagine putting my fingers down my throat to force my latest meal out of my mouth, something that is reality for so many people everyday, not just girls, the number of boys that are contracting eating disorders is growing.
My comment isnt neccesarily on this image but on the last few that youv'e out up here.
I think your hitting on a difficult subject but also approaching it interestingly by looking at obesity and anorexia.
I think for something thats obviously on ur mind yor creating powefull images and ideas.
Regarding the size/weight thing, wel of course the media has alot to do with this and i cannot see how they can deny this as its litterally everywhere.
Now I'm actually a size 8-10 and I'm certainly not unhealthy becuase, but even i feel awkward sometimes becuase Im not a straight up and down girl! As far as I'm concerend everyone has their own healthy weight and it is different for everyone.
Anyway I've ranted enough, overall do a great job carry on!
your blog is really really interesting to look at and read. I like the way its so shocking!
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