Fashion is a vibrant creative and necessary part of society today. Everyone is unique, no-one the same. Fashion allows us the choice between who we are and who we want to be that day, the same way that make-up does, it works as a camouflage you could re-invent your style everyday if it pleased, customizing yourself to different situations and social groups.
This work explores the individual identity and also the relationship between three women within a family from three seperate generations, observing the similarities and differences between them and the effects both time cultural and social standards have affected their personal behaviour.
Inspired prominantley by my grandmother, having a fascination with all things 50's both fashion and lifestyle from a time heavily influenced by the events of the second world war, she plays the biggest role within the video as the dominant female, the start of the gene line.
The banal and continuos exercise of applying make-up every morning, is exclusively feminine, an activity shared thoughout the years and handed down from mothers to daughters. My moving image watches the subject within the mirror, a frame within a frame, allowing the subject to return the audiences gaze giving an insightful and intimate window into the lives and bond within a family.
The question this project asks is do we follow the lead of those who have raised us, copying characteristics and behaviour or do we invent our own traits through the cultural influences around our own time. Or maybe it's both, allowing this project to be more of a psychological study exploring the nature/nurture debate.