This time last year I went to Paris on a trip to see Paris PHOTO exhibition, the trip was intended to be inspirational from a creative point of view with the informative values of Paris Photo helping with contextulise our work, however there was more to our trip than that...MUCH more.
Paris is one of the magical places I have ever been, filled with wonderment at every turn. Whilst there more than the beautiful architecture I was intrigued and excited by the people of paris... and that is where my work started.
More than producing work, I felt Paris taught me a great deal about both life and the person I was growing into. Going with two very special friends helped me to fall completely into the infectious spirit and nature of Paris's bohemian ambience in the Mont Martre and had one of the biggest adventures of my life. Every night we went to the same places but each night was completely different, every person we met totally different to the one before the confidence I gained from the experience of talking and socialising with people from totally different cultures and lifestyles was incredible and the effect it has on working artists (I met many of these) is totally relevant to how they go on to connect with future audiences.
The fundamental point is, everyone and everything is relevant, everything matters and all of it counts.
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